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Is the company meeting, communicate and implement group production safety emergency video conference spirit

[文章摘要] August19intheafternoon,isthecompanymeeting,communicateandimplementgroupcompanyonAugust17,theworksafetyinproductionofemergencyvideoconferencespirit,deploymentbranchworksafetyinproduction.Branchleadershipandalldepartmentstaffattendedthemeeting.Duringthemeeting,branchmanagerPeiXingZhoutoconveytotheparticipants

    August 19 in the afternoon, is the company meeting, communicate and implement group company on August 17, the work safety in production of emergency video conference spirit, deployment branch work safety in production. Branch leadership and all department staff attended the meeting.

    Conference, branch manager PeiXingZhou convey to the attendees of the group's production safety emergency jeannin video conference chairman, Deng Shaochao leader's important speech spirit, such as general manager. After video group, the company secretary of the party committee, chairman of the board of directors WeiChunJie emergency deployment of company safety production work, and puts forward the three job requirement. On safety in production work instructions WeiChunJie chairman, focuses on branch manager PeiXingZhou convey, require branch all staff understand the group production safety emergency video conference spirit, in accordance with the requirements of the company's main led deployment, inflammable and explosive dangerous goods quickly organized to carry out site construction special safety inspection, timely screening and resolve various safe hidden trouble; At the same time, further strengthen the training of the project manager and safety officer, constantly improve the comprehensive quality and execution, ensure the safety measures put in place.

    At present, the branch has organization personnel communicate deeply all the projects under construction group production safety emergency video conference spirit and the whole site inflammable and explosive goods special safety inspection, will be submitted to the company timely inflammable and explosive dangerous goods check, corrective to carry out the situation.




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